Tabelle aus Logbuch Seite 110 vom 16. März 1788


Lunar Observations since the 12th. March to the 16th opposite reduced to 5h:33′ by applying the difference of Longitude by the Time Keeper.

Time Keeper
Correction to be
appld to reduce them to
5h..33′ of the
16th opposite
True Longitude
by Observn at 5h:33
of the 16th
turned into
T Keeper fast
for Mean Time
at Greenwich
March 13th57°..33′..09″ 57°..24′..15″W 1..11..36 58°..35′..51″W
57..22..31 58..34..06
57..35..15 58..46..51
57..48..45 57..48..15 0..56..00 58..44..15
57..51..00 58..47..38
58..00..45 58..56..45
15th58..04..07 57..52..45 0..40..38 58..33..23
58..09..30 58..50..08
58..16..11 58..53..38
16th58..44..45 58..23..30 58..23..38
58..14..30 58..41..30
58..10..15 58..10..15
58..11..45 58..11..45
58..16..45 58..10..45
Mean Longd. at 5h..33′ of the 16th of March 58..34..14 = 3:54:16:56 } 0′14″:4″′
 Longd. by Time Keeper at the same time 58..44..15 = 3:54:59:
.. ..42..4   
 Longd. by Observation—..10..31 Et of Time Keeper
 Longd by Observation on the 17th Feby less than Time Keeper—..16..25 Et
— .. 5..54 in Longd. Et

which the Time Keeper has lost in 28 days and its Rate by this is loosing on Mean Time pr 24 hours .5″,57 equal to one tenth of a second nearly, and I now consider it fast for mean time at Greenwich the 15th Noon 0′..42″..4″′.